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6 Ways to Greet Colleagues at a Conference in English

Posted by Lindsay McMahon on Mon, Nov 04, 2013 @ 08:14 AM

how to greet colleagues at a conference in EnglishDo you occassionally attend professional conferences where you meet other people who are doing similar work in your professional field of expertise?

These conferences are great opportunities to expand your circle of professional contacts.

However, if you don't have the English skills that you need to start the conversations, you won't succeed in meeting new people at the conference.

Do you know how to begin conversations with people and how to extend your professional network? In today's lesson, I will show you five ways to begin a conversation with a colleague.




1) "It's nice to see you. How are things going with your work?"

English greetings, speaking to colleaguesIt's always a good idea to start off a conversation by saying "It's nice to see you." That phrase will start things in a comfortable and friendly way.


Other ways to say this:

  • "It's great to see you. How is your work going?"
  • "I'm glad you're here. What's happening with your work?"




2) "How is that new project coming along? I want to hear about it!"

"Coming along" means "progressing." You can use this phrase to ask a colleague about their progress on a project.


Other ways to say this phrase:

  • "How is everything going with the new project? Tell me about it."
  • "What's happening with your latest project?"




3) "How are you? Fill me in on your latest research."

speaking with American colleagues in EnglishTo "fill someone in" means to tell them what's happening or to give them an update.


Other ways to say this:

  • "How's everything? Can you update me on your latest research?"
  • "How's it going? What's new with your research?"





4) "Would you like to get a coffee during the break and catch up?"

We use the verb "catch up" in casual conversations when we want to talk about what has been happening since we last saw the person.

Other ways to say this:

  • "Let's catch up over coffee. Are you free during the break?"
  • "Do you have time to grab a coffee? It would be great to catch up with you."




5) "How is the conference going for you? What's the latest on your work?"

English conversation skills for professional networking, 3 people"What's the latest" can be used to ask about the most recent activity that the person has been working on.


Other ways to say this:

  • "What's new with your work?"
  • "What's happening these days with your work?"




6) "It's great to meet you. What are you working on these days?"

(Note- this can be used the first time you meet someone)

"How have you been" is another friendly way to ask people how they are doing.


Other ways to say this:

  • "What projects have you been doing recently?"
  • "Tell me about your work."



Remember, when you are at a conference or another networking event, your English doesn't have to be perfect. You just need to connect with people.

People will not mind if you make a few mistakes. So get out there and speak with people at your next conference. Good luck!



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Photo credits: Dell's Official Flickr Page

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